Thursday, September 17, 2015

The walk of compassion

Ai Weiwei e Anish Kapoor sono due artisti che mi intrigano moltissimo e che mi hanno conquistato rispettivamente con dei semi di girasole e un fagiolo.
Oggi hanno marciato insieme a Londra in segno di compassione verso i rifugiati di ogni parte del mondo.

"This is a walk of compassion, a walk together as if we were walking to the studio. Peaceful. Quiet. Creative."
Anish Kapoor, 2015

“We are artists, we are part of the whole situation. 
This problem has such a long history, a human history. 
We are all refugees somehow, somewhere and at some moment.”
Ai Weiwei, 2015

"We are demanding creativity of others, recognising that those who leave their country and go on a journey across the water full of danger or who walk hundreds of miles across land are also making a creative act."
Anish Kapoor, 2015

[Dall'articolo uscito oggi su The Guardian]

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